Previous Meeting

VIII International Symposium on Childhood Deafness

11th – 13th November 2021, Naples – Italy 

VII International Symposium on Childhood Deafness

16th – 18th Novembre 2017, Naples – Italy 

XIII International Meeting of the Society of Otology and Audiology – The Challenges of the Modern Otology

26th – 29th October 2012, Castellammare di Stabia – Naples – Italy 

VI International Symposium on Childhood Deafness

21st, 22nd October 2011, Naples – Italy 

V International Symposium on Childhood Deafness

28th, 29th October 2009, Castellammare di Stabia, Naples – Italy 

IV International Symposium on Childhood Deafness

24th, 25th October 2008, Naples – Italy

III International Symposium on Childhood Deafness – Sordità infantile. Impianti Cocleari e Protesi Impiantabili. Terapia medica e Chirurgia riabilitativa

21st September 2007, Castel Volturno, Naples – Italy

II International Symposium on Childhood Deafness – Sordità infantile: diagnosi precoce, trattamento e risultati

26th May 2006, Pozzuoli, Naples – Italy

I International Symposium on Childhood Deafness – L’Impianto Cocleare nel bambino: indicazioni, aspetti chirurgici e riabilitativi.

13th November 2004, Castel Volturno, Naples – Italy